Θες να πραγματοποιήσεις ένα ταξίδι ζωής;
Θέλεις να επισκεφθείς μέρη που ίσως δεν θα ξανά 'χεις την ευκαιρία στο μέλλον;
Θες να γνωρίσεις νέες κουλτούρες και πολιτισμούς;
Τότε μια συμμετοχή σε ένα πρόγραμμα εθελοντισμού στην Αφρική θα ήταν η ιδανική επιλογή για εσένα!
Συγκεντρώσαμε κάποια από τα καλύτερα Workcamps που φιλοξενούνται σε χώρες της Αφρικής και σας τα παρουσιάζουμε.
1. UV.1923, CHILDREN S BRIGHT FUTURE, RENO KIDS MANU, 11/08/19 - 24/08/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
2. UV.1925, CHILDREN S BRIGHT FUTURE, SOCI KIDS MANU, 25/08/19 - 07/09/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
The project “CHILDREN S BRIGHT FUTURE” aims at involving and sensitizing kids, teachers, parents, and policymakers regarding environmental health and ecological sustainability of schools. The team of volunteers will renovate the classrooms of a school; work on garbage collection and separation, as well as on the creation of demo sites for garbage disposal/separation; organize after school activities for children and teenagers aged 7-18, such as sports, arts, music, crafts, games and academic development. The project will take place in Paje, a village and community on the Southeast cost of Unguja Island which depends on tourism, fishing and small-scale farming for living. In their free time, volunteers will have the opportunity to visit Zanzibar historical, natural and cultural sites; or to enjoy wildlife and marine life through blue safaris swimming, tours to small islands, variety of water sports, spice tour among many other options.
3. UV.1920, ZANZIBAR: AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD, SOCI MANU AGRI, 21/07/19 - 03/08/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
4. UV.1922, ZANZIBAR: AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD, SOCI MANU AGRI, 04/08/19 - 17/08/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
Agriculture is the main source of income in Tanzania's economy, since it provides livelihoods for the seventy percent of the population. However, many local farmers struggle to produce adequate supply of food for their communities. As a volunteer on the “AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD” project, your focus will be on providing support for small-scale local farmers, in order to improve livelihoods for farming communities and to reach more resilient and sustainable agriculture practices. You will live the everyday life of a farm, so you will plant and harvest fruits and vegetables; do cow milking, feed animals. You will also plant trees and participate in environmental education and awareness initiatives. The project will take place in Mpapa, a community of approximately 1,500 inhabitants in the rural area of Unguja Island, the largest and most populated island of the Zanzibar archipelago. Mpapa community is very close to the most beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, among other attractive destinations.
5. UV.1921, GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, SOCI EDU CULT, 28/07/19 - 10/08/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
This project has been thought in order to implement the UN initiative related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal call for action to end poverty and protect the planet. Volunteers will plant trees and help to establish a community tree nursery. You will learn about SDGs and will participate in workshops, debates, discussions, educational tours, community events, aimed at raising awareness on this topic. You might struggle a bit to find out this community in the google map, however it is a small community in the outskirts of Dar es salaam located about 30km in the south. It is quite new residency with a good mixture of people from various cultural backgrounds of Tanzania. In their free time you will have the opportunity to explore Zanzibar’s historical, natural and cultural sites.
6. UV.1926, MANGROVE CONSERVATION FOR NATURAL SEAWALL, ENVI SOCI MANU, 01/09/19 - 14/09/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
7. UV.1928, MANGROVE CONSERVATION FOR NATURAL SEAWALL, ENVI SOCI MANU, 15/09/19 - 28/09/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
The project “MANGROVE CONSERVATION FOR NATURAL SEAWALL” aims at contributing to the conservation of coastal environment. Indeed, experts claim that disappearing of mangrove will result in fisheries declines, threats to migratory bird species, degradation of clean water supplies, and salinization of coastal soils, among other worrying consequences. Volunteers will participate in environmental education activities, as well as in manual environmental work, such as collecting mangrove seeds from the forest, replanting mangroves in the open/ destructed areas, among other tasks.
8. UV.1927, CONSERVATION THROUGH MUSIC, ARTS AND SPORTS, CULT ART SPOR, 08/09/19 - 28/09/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
This creative project focuses on using music, arts and sports, in order to contribute to local and national existing strategies for nature conservation. Hence, along with local musicians, volunteers will use various means of artistic expression to engage local community and sensitize it to sustainability and preservation of nature.
9. UV.1924, SPORTS, MUSIC AND AMP; ARTS FOR COMMUNITY ACTION, SOCI CULT ART, 18/08/19 - 07/09/19, 16-99, extra fee 250 euro.
This artistic project will give you the opportunity to interact with local musicians and artists, in order to talk about the role of sports, arts and music in bringing development changes. International and local volunteers will compose songs, draw and paint works of art together, and their work will be shown during a community development exhibition and awareness raising action. The project has also an educational part, since you will work with local young people to support them to build their capacity through English language classes, and you will participate in other initiatives, in order to empower them. In exchange volunteers shall be ready to learn and practice some African music, dancing and drumming.
10. CIVS/MLTV-01/19, GOOD SAMARITAN CHILDRENS HOME AND REHABILITATION CENTRE, permanent, SOCI KIDS EDU, 01/01/19 - 31/12/19, 18-100, extra fee 200 euro.
In this educational project, which runs during the whole year and which you can join in the period that best suits you, you will support the work of the “Good Samaritan Children Home and Rehabilitation Centre”. This initiative started in 1991 with the mission to facilitate holistic care for vulnerable children, by enhancing their growth and development through provision of shelter, education and other basic needs. You will teach children basic subjects, such as reading, drawing and artwork, and you will assist older children with homework. You will also organize and implement extracurricular activities for kids. You will live with a host family, hence you will be in close contact with locals, and in your free time you will have the opportunity to visit leisure sites in Nairobi, such as Nairobi National Park, Giraffe Center, etc.
11. CIVS/STV-06/2019, COMMUNITY HEALTH VOLUNTEERS (CHV), ENVI SOCI, 08/06/19 - 26/06/19, 17-46, extra fee 265 euro.
Community Health Volunteers (CHV) started with the aim of creating awareness on HIV/AIDS among the residents of Vihrembe area, as well as on issues of sexual and reproductive health. CHV is also actively involved in jigger flea eradication and awareness campaigns in the community. In addition, CHV educates the local community about the conservation of Kakamega Rainforest and its fragile ecosystem. Volunteers will participate in these areas of intervention, for instance by supporting HIV/AIDS home-based care and the school outreach programs; raising awareness in the community on sexual and reproductive health; participating in activities for the rehabilitation and conservation of Kakamega Forest; organizing games and sports in local schools; and playing with children.
12. KVDA/STV/07B, ST. JOSEPH NYAMOSENSE SPECIAL UNIT SCHOOL, KURIA, KIDS DISA, 06/07/19 - 27/07/19, 18-99, extra fee 300 euro.
The theme of the project is “The rights of children with disabilities: the duty to protect, respect, promote and fulfill.” The main reason of the existence of this initiative is the growing need to sensitize local community members on the topic of children with disabilities, who suffer neglect and denial, since society remains conservative and unwilling to attend them. Volunteers will do manual work and intercultural activities and will work with disabled children, by teaching, caring and supporting orphans; they will also make bricks together with the local community members. Volunteers will also open forums for discussion on children rights; and participate in study lessons on retrogressive cultural practices, such as Female Genital Mutilation. The project is located in Migori County, in the South West of Kenya.
Get inspired by reading the experience of Eleni, who went to Nigeria in 2016!
13. NG-VWA 10.5, PERMACULTURE / GARDENING / PLANTING, ENVI, 05/08/19 - 18/08/19, 18-99, extra fee 250 euro.
This very interesting environmental project will provide local volunteers and young locals with practical and theoretical learning about environmental issues. It is ideal for volunteers that want to learn about permaculture, sustainability and environmental issues in Nigeria, and how to make handcraft products out of waste materials. Volunteers will support on-going efforts at the permaculture forest garden project by engaging in hands-on activities, such as renovating structures, gardening, and organic farming. Furthermore, they will contribute to the development of activities aimed at raising environmental awareness among young people. The project will be held at the Permaculture Forest Garden (Environmental Education Centre) project in Badagry Lagos, which is part of the peninsula which separates the Lagoon of Lagos from the Atlantic Ocean.